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Showing posts with the label Portfolio Building

Sharpen your teeth in Data Analytics (and maybe create a portfolio while you’re at it)

  As a novice data analyst myself, I truly understand the mind of another beginner rearing to go out in the world and trying to tame a wild data set and analysing the heck out of it. Understandable, it is then, the urge to pick up the same old Kaggle data set that is begging not to be analysed for the umpteenth time, all whilst arriving at the same insights as the 24,637 people that came before you. One must not be utterly taken aback then, when they see the face of their interviewer (seeing the same analysis thirteenth time that day) turn red in anger without application of any sort of conditional formatting. So, one might naturally enquire into the remedy to such an ailment. I would then point you towards the less traversed yet endlessly fascinating direction of obscure publicly available datasets . From an exhaustive data set of all known passengers of the RMS Titanic to the largest reference data set of the human genome, not only do they make for remarkably interesting candidates